Kharchu Monastery, the present seat of the Seventh Namkhai Nyingpo, is situated in a sacred place blessed by dakinis at a mountain stretch overlooking Chamkar town in Bumthang. The monastery had a humble beginning with the main temple and few temporary dormitories including a library housing about 70 monks. Over the years, due to the gracious blessings of Rinpochhe, the monastery has been expanded both in terms of number and size which includes:
1. Tshokhang (prayer hall) capable of housing about 500 monk,
2. Residences for Trulkus, lamas, khenpos & lopons (teachers)
3. Shedras (classrooms)
4. Library
5. Office
6. Hostel, kitchen and dining room, and
7. Guest houses

The construction of the above infrastructures has been made possible with valuable support extended by His Majesty the 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the Royal Grandmother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck in particular and generous support received from other Dharma supporters, domestic and foreign. At present, there are a total of 400 monks with 230 in the dratshang and 170 in the shedra.
The regular curriculum includes reading, recitation of daily prayers, grammar, poetry, karika, dharma dances, mandala drawings, melodies of sacred rituals, use of ceremonial instruments and art of making sacrificial objects, and meditation aspects. The monastery currently offers three main stream of studies, namely shedra (course work), drupdra (meditational aspects) and monastic rituals. While the expenses on providing the above courses are generally borne by the monastery, the monks have their choice as to which stream they would like to be enrolled. At the same time, if a monk, for any reason, decides to leave the monastery, he is relieved without any form of obligations.
Presently there are six centers mostly in central and eastern Bhutan.